Setting Conditions for the Future of HSD!

Friends and Colleagues,

So much is happening in the Systems Dynamics (HSD) Ecosystem right now. Over the years, HSD has continued to reach out and grow through large and small iterative cycles of Adaptive Action. Since it launched in 2003, HSD Institute was a seed that has grown to reach out around the world. It has become a global ecosystem of learning and application that goes far beyond the reach of the Institute.

As ecosystems mature, they go through transformations, often in form and function. The time has come for a major shift in the HSD Ecology. The global community of HSD has grown too large and too diverse to be served or held by a single institution. We want to share with you the story of the HSD practitioners who came together to begin to set conditions for the next iteration of this Ecosystem.

HSD Global:

Over the last several months, members of the larger HSD global community have been talking seriously about what conditions could set the patterns of HSD, as named in the Vision and Simple Rules. And they began to think about what types of structures might set those conditions. In the months of discussions and explorations, people around the world have taken leadership, contributed ideas, answered surveys, and provided perspectives. Over this time of listening and working with so many people and so many ideas, a very different picture has emerged. They have brought forth a new image of a new kind of infrastructure that fully honors and celebrates the autonomy and creativity of any individual or group, even as it hosts and makes available the most basic services for the greater community. This new way of thinking about how HSD continues to grow is based in the requests and stated needs people described as they considered a future that did not include the HSD Institute. Members of the HSD global community asked for three things:

  • Access to the body of HSD-informed resources that has always been held by the HSD Institute website.
  • Ways for individuals and groups around the world to connect, learn from and about each other, and find ways to continue to expand the field.
  • Some bit of infrastructure that can support and sustain the other two activities.

In months of discussion and exploring, individuals from across the HSD global community came together to determine what sort of organization or set of relationships would enable them to continue their practice of HSD. Over time, the picture that emerged was one where autonomy and passion could allow for growth of the field of HSD and its dissemination into the even broader world. People are already doing that work, and those working on the structures called that HSD Global. It is, essentially, a “cloud” of energy and wisdom that is committed to living out the HSD Vision and Simple Rules. It is a network of communities of individuals and groups who use HSD in their work and in their lives. They envisioned this broad “network” as being supported by a small, lean infrastructure that holds the core of the field. HSD GLOBAL has two scales. (Watch the Live Virtual Workshop from December to learn more about this new organization.)

HSD Global Communities:

Individuals, groups, and organizations from around the globe work on applying and learning about HSD in whatever way they wish, following their own paths and passions. They form a loosely connected world-wide network and are the sources of the energy and wisdom that makes up the “cloud”. They are individual and autonomous, they are interdependent individuals, groups, and organizations. They will continue to self-organize and partner when they need to and separate to work alone. They will serve clients and customers, families and neighbors locally and reach out to other HSD practitioners who do the same. Others might also self-organize into regional or global groups to serve more broadly in the network.

  • One Community has come together around their shared passion for bringing the HSD Global Community for face-to-face conversation, laughter, and learning. They are planning an HSD Gathering for the Spring of 2025. We hope you can attend. Please read more about their plans that are coming to fruition. (See their article in the December 16th newsletter.)
  • Another of those communities has also begun its work. They are working together as a group of volunteers to establish a platform for people to access resources and others. They plan to launch their platform in January of 2025, and they’d like to hear from you. (See their article in the December 16th newsletter.)
  • Other Communities host podcasts, sponsor courses, pursue research, serve clients, and convene meetings for learning and fun. What would you and your community do to expand the vision, theory, and practice of HSD?

HSD Global Services:

HSD Global Services supports the whole of HSD, rather than the individuals or groups who make up the HSD Global Communities. Operating as a non-profit organization, this bit of infrastructure supports the three Services that are necessary to sustain the greater whole of the HSD Communities. The work of this organization is accomplished by six Stewards, who signed up to serve for three years before passing the torch to others. Those who framed this idea over time were adamant that this is not an entity that is “over” the network. It is of the network. It has no governing responsibilities, except to do what needs to be done to ensure the network has access to the HSD foundations and to each other.

CONTAINER: The Library is the repository of all materials that represent the HSD foundation as they exist currently on the HSD Institute website. Those documents will be available just as they have been in the past. Additionally other ways are being explored to make additional HSD-informed resources available. The first Stewards of this Service are:

  • Jeffrey Ong, Singapore
  • Malini Srikanth, Dallas

DIFFERENCES: The Plaza is assigned the task of connecting HSD Communities to each other and to the wider world. It is currently being established on the LinkedIn platform as HSD Plaza and will continue to grow and evolve as needed in future. The Stewards of the Plaza are:

  • Erin Lewis, Minneapolis
  • Raj Ramal, Australia

EXCHANGES: The Bank is the site that oversees any fiscal activities of the non-profit. Those who worked on this transformation recognized there would be a need for some level of income to support the activities of the Global Services, such as the website for resources and platforms needed for connecting and reaching out. The HSD Global Services will depend on donations and volunteerism to do its business. The Stewards in the Bank are:

  • Paul Kirtz, Minneapolis
  • Monica Leon, Aukland

The Stewards are busily planning for their roles, which begin on January 1, 2025. Many of them were a part of the design process as this next stage emerged. They are working with others who were a part of that process to be sure their actions align with the intentions that brought this model together. To you can expect to hear from them in the new year when they have details to share with you about this emergent next-iteration HSD Ecosystem. Watch your inbox for their next communication.

In the meantime, you can watch the November Live Virtual Workshop to hear Glenda talk about the transformation and watch the December Live Virtual Workshop and hear her talk about how the history helped prepare us all for that transformation.

Next Wise Actions for Royce and Glenda:

As we step back from running the HSD Institute, neither of us is ready to retire completely. So we are joining the broader HSD Global Communities as we open a small company, Pattern Partners, just for consulting and training that we have time and drive to do. In particular, we will continue to lead the HSD Professional Certification Program over the next two years, until others are prepared to assume these roles. We plan to do more writing about HSD. We will each also pursue our individual passions: Glenda reaching out globally and locally to share HSD in ways that can change the world; and Royce working more on her passion for words and stories—as a reader, writer, and teacher. We eagerly look forward to hearing more from the Stewards as they step into their roles, and from other communities as we all step into this new ecosystem. We have nurtured the support and engagement of this community for 24 years, and it has been a joy. And it’s time now for this Global Community to stand on its own and continue to work so that

people everywhere thrive!

At this time in the year and the transformation of our community, our hearts are filled with gratitude and hope. We are deeply thankful to each of you who use HSD to transform turbulence and uncertainty into possibility for all. Perhaps you are a Wanderer who is approaching HSD for the first time. We thank you for seeing possibilities in the patterns beyond your current constraints. Perhaps you are a User who applies the theory and practice of HSD to shift patterns in your own life and work. Perhaps you are an expander who stands at the edge of HSD and pushes it into new horizons of what is true and useful. Whoever you are, thank you for creating and sustaining this community and body of work.

We are particularly thankful for those who engage with the current generative transformation.

  • Friends who have met regularly for Setting Conditions for the Future of HSD, you have stretched and folded over the past two years to explore what is the most possible and powerful future for HSD. Thank you.
  • Community Transitions Team who have imagined and implemented conditions to support continuing growth and development from themselves, others, and the field. Thank you.
  • The HSD Institute Board of Directors have held the integrity of the past and set a foundation for the future. Thank you.
  • The Council of Stewards for HSD Global Services are preparing to host the foundation of exchanges that will be the lifeblood of HSD far into the future. Thank you.
  • And Glenda wants to add: “My colleague and coach, Royce Holladay, has held the creative tension of this community—and me—with grace and courage. Thank you.”

Gratitude for the past and the present feeds a world of hope for the future. These are dark and difficult times, and each of us will encounter challenges at all levels of our consciousness and existence. We do not know what will happen, but we do know we will thrive, and help others do the same. We are held together by the HSD Vision. We are energized by the differences embedded in our Simple Rules, and we have models and methods to empower generative engagement with the world and each other. Adaptive Action, Inquiry, and Pattern Logic will always guide us to our next wise actions. Thank you for joining the emerging adventure of HSD Global and its patterns of hope and possibility. 

—Glenda Eoyang and Royce Holladay