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Virtual Workshops
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June 3, 2021
In these days of change at the speed of thought and complexity you cannot see through, what can you do to connect to share your story. Whether your storytelling is to market an idea, to collaborate for innovation, or just to connect with those around you, stories can be powerful tools. And we know stories that talk about action and impact make the greatest differences.
HSD offers an understanding of narrative that helps you create useful and compelling stories.
Reflect what’s really happening
Show that you hear and respond to others’ stories
Can make the biggest differences
Learn more about our approach to creating narratives that can invite others in, make them feel comfortable, and engage them in deep and meaningful dialogue.
May 6, 2021
What do you do when you cannot see what’s coming at you? In today’s turbulent and unpredictable landscape, you often are asked to make decisions about a future you can neither control nor predict. So, what can you do to step into such a charge with any sense of efficacy or confidence?
In these times, it’s so important to maintain perspectives at both scales.
What impact will my actions have at the larger picture or scale?
What will this action trigger on a more local perspective?
Given what I can see in the larger picture and in the smaller picture, what action will be most useful at this moment?
Watch this Live Virtual Workshop to explore your options for taking action when you can’t see what’s coming, but you can see both the trees right in front of you and you know the forest that surrounds you.
April 1, 2021
We live and work in a highly diverse world. Age, experience, expectations, roles, relationships, backgrounds, accountabilities, responsibilities—These differences often stand out in the milieu of the many, many differences that are woven into the fabric of our days in our communities and in our work.
March 18, 2021
Members of the HSD Community met and presented ways they use HSD in their homes, workplaces, and communities. This 90-minute event highlights and celebrates the patterns of diverse applications and deep innovation that members of the Community are creating in the world.
March 4, 2021
In today’s world, you can’t always know what’s next. In fact, sometimes, given the complexity of our world, you can’t even know much about what’s now! At any given moment, about all you can see is this moment. All you can explore is what you know. How do you learn to question what you can’t see and find out more about what you don’t know? How can you use the HSD’s practices of inquiry?
Ask questions that help you see into the dynamics of the world around you
Engage others in individual and group inquiries using these perspectives
Experience the benefits of engaging in inquiry in today’s turbulent and uncertain landscape
Join us to explore this new way of stepping into questions that open a world of possibility to you. In human systems dynamics, we learn to stand in inquiry to see patterns clearly, seek to understand, and act with courage in the face of uncertainty and turbulence.
February 4, 2021
The problem? The world is changing quickly at home, in your work, and throughout your community. Because of the complexity of the world around you, the changes you face are generally unpredictable, often surprising, and sometimes turbulent. The challenge you face is functioning in such a world. How do you do what needs to be done?
Respond rather than react
Plan for a future you cannot predict or control
Find ways you and others can move forward in adaptive and creative ways.
HSD offers a vision for living, working, and playing in the midst of uncertainty:
People everywhere thrive because we
see patterns clearly,
seek to understand, and
act with courage to
turn turbulence and uncertainty
into possibility for all.
December 3, 2020
Meditation is an ancient practice with powerful implications for our uncertain future. Deep awareness is a key to seeing patterns in complexity, understanding a range of options, and finding freedom and courage to act.
This session will explore the intersections between mindfulness and HSD to help inform your adaptive capacity and prepare for the New Year to come.